Thursday, June 11, 2009
If You Build It...
Kristie and I are hoping you'll check out and let us know what you think! We're an online magazine devoted to parenting within the St. Louis area. We touch based on childcare, products, friendships, romantic relationships, sex, education, fun stuff for you to do and alot of other topics.
From now on, my product reviews will be posted to My giveaways will also be featured there. Here's hoping you'll stop by and visit.
Oh and if you want to contact me with product reviews or anything else, you can still do so at motherofbun at gmail dot com
Take care!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Tap Into Money-Saving Solutions With PUR

Dad's Day Gift Idea
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Jif's Natural Peanut Butter Is A Big Hit At Our House

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Vote Now! Vote Often for Kellogg's Plant A Seed Program
This past winter, during the 2009 Super Bowl, Kellogg's Frosted Flakes debuted a commercial calling everyone who was watching to action. The commercial was for the Plant A Seed program.
The gist of the commercial and the program is to focus on how everyone can make a difference in building stronger communities and enriching a child's life. Kellogg's wants to remind us all that kids of any age, size, and background are filled with a tremendous amount of promise and potential. And we need to give kids a place to REALIZE this.
So, 50 fields across the US are to be renovated. There have been many nominated thus far. And now Kellogg's needs YOU to help choose which fields are the most deserving. What better way to keep families (kids and parents) active and engaged? The hope is that these fields will once again become places of fun and foster a sense of community.
So click on to view the fields and find out more as to why these places are deserving a ball field makeover. Voting ends May 31st!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Pulverize Poison Ivy With Ivarest (Giveaway!)

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Comfort Select Pillows Are Customized And Comfy

Monday, May 11, 2009
Get A Taste Of The Past With Pepsi Giveaway

Pepsi is giving away a retro throwback pack valued at $150 and featuring a Pepsi Throwback Trucker Cap, Pepsi Tin Lunch Box, a Retro Clock Radio/CD Player, a USB Lava Lamp as well as a Pepsi Throwback and a Mountain Dew Throwback. (Groovy!)
Can ya dig it? If so, leave a comment here to enter. You've got to be at least 18 to enter and live in the US. You've got until May 24, 2009 to enter. If you're eager to try the old formula? Well, the throwback beverages are can be found nationwide for another month or so and are available in 20-oz retro designed single-serve bottles and 12-pack cans.
Good luck!
Winner is Leslie. Congrats Leslie.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
iCarly Releases Season 1 Dvds

The television show has grown into Tv's top series amongst kids (ages 2-14) drawing an average of 5.6 million viewers an episode. My son Seth? Is one of those rabid fans.
Recently, dvds of the first season of the Nickelodeon hit were released. We received the season 1 volume 2 dvd. (The one pictured here.)
Seth was more than happy to watch and review. He's seen alot of the episodes countless times but still... It doesn't matter. He loves to watch.
Disc 1 contains episodes such as iAm Your Biggest Fan, iHeart Art, iHate Sam's Boyfriend, iDon't Want to Fight iPromose Tech-Foots and iGot Detention. The second disc contacts iStakeout, iCarly Saves TV (the extended version) iMight Switch Schools, iFence, iWin a Date and i Have a Love Sick Teacher.
You might recognize Miranda. She was the very clever little sister on Drake and Josh. And as with Drake and Josh, the story lines center predominantly on the kids. You can buy this dvd online at Amazon for $18.99.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Can 10-10-10 Transform Your Life?

According to the sleeve on the book's jacket, the book is "a transformative new approach to decision making. 10-10-10 is a tool for reclaiming your life at home, in love, and at work. The process is clear, straight forward and transparent."
Basically, when you make a decision, ask yourself how will this affect you (and others, if others are affected) in the next 10 minutes. Then ask yourself how this will affect you and others in 10 months. Then ask yourself how this would affect you in 10 years.
Welch explains in the book that idea came to her while vacationing in Hawaii. (Over the years, she's refined the technique.) When she first began to share her theory with friends and family, the response was overwhelmingly positive and over time, strangers were starting to ask her about this theory.
She gives many an example throughout the book and talks about how you can apply this decision making process to pretty much any delimma you encounter. According to Welch, "All in, 10-10-10 markedly decreases the days when parenting feels haphazard and overwhelming." Another person in the book claims, "It's just like a GPS device: it keeps us on track."
So what did I think of the book? Well, I'm not exactly sold. Alot of times you can't predict the future. Well, I'm a bit skeptical. Life changes in an instant. And I'm not in the same place emotionally that I was 10 months ago or even six months ago. So alot of my decisions and outlooks are going to be different. And you never really know what kinds of life-changing events are coming your way.
I do like the fact that it makes you stop to think about your actions long term. Doing so definitely gives one more clarity. And that's a wonderful thing.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
PR In Your Pajamas? Here's How...
PR In Your Pajamas, written by Elena Verlee, is a practical guide that can help the many business owners who don't have the big budgets needed to hire a public relations agency. Verlee's book can help those pr novices seeking media attention and help you outline your public relations action plan.
The guide, which is written in a clear, concise way helps explain what grabs the attention of a reporter. The book and also addresses how public relations differs from advertising as well as why great public relations can be more effective. Need to learn how to write press releases and talk to the media? Check out the book. You can also read up on how to identify opportunities and how to develop a rapport with those writing about your product or service.
Verlee knows her stuff. She's been in the biz for ten years now and runs her own international public relations firm.
So you may know how to approach a writer but which media entities are the best fit for your product or service? Which places are looking for a product or service like yours? Verlee has a new endeavor out now called Moms Media list. For more information on that click HERE.
For more information check out her site, PR In Your Pajamas. Her blog can be found HERE.
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Household Guide To Dying - A Novel Approach to Life

Debra Adelaide is the author of The Household Guide to Dying (The book is named after the book Delia creates.). Her other works include The Hotel Albatross, Serpent Dust and Acts of A Dog.
Adelaide's book begins with Delia fully understanding that her time is limited. Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she takes a very practical and proactive approach. She starts to make the most of her last few months. And we learn much about her present as well as past in the process.
Delia is a very strong woman and throughout the book we learn why. We learn about her time as a young single mother starting out in a new town, her courtship with her husband, the death of her first child, her career path, her experience as a mother of two daughters as well as her time as a cancer patient. We see she's done alot of living.
I did find the book confusing at times. I've got to know exactly where and when a story takes place. I normally assume a story takes place today and the character lives in the United States unless stated otherwise. While this story takes place "today" it doesn't take place in the United States. There were alot of references that left me puzzled as to the time and place. I didn't sort it out until I read the author's bio and realized the story takes place in Australia.
For me, this confusion takes away from the story. (What's a "shandy?" And when she mentions living in a "caravan" I can't help but wonder, if she means a Dodge minivan?) The ability to bond with the main character is lost because I'm too busy wondering about the details.
But once I was over the confusion, I did develop an affection for the character. She seems like a REAL mom. She curses in front of her kids. She worries. She wonders. She's driven crazy when her daughters fight. She seems like the kind of woman I'd be friends with.
All in all, this book is not a light-hearted romp. It deals with a heavier subject. But for those people who want some substance to their story? This fits the bill.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Social Skill Builder - Software for Life Skills

Some kids have a difficult time understanding social cues. Others don't quite understand what is appropriate behavior in varied social situations. And still others just have a problem with impulse control. And these difficulties lead to a social awkwardness for the child as well as those people they deal with. The end result can quickly become one where a child feels isolated and ill equipped socially.
That's where and their software can help. The Social Skill Builder software helps kids learn about proper social skills in a fun and positive way. The software starts out with a map that has images of common public and private places. A child can choose the place and level of difficulty before beginning the game.
First a video of a common circumstance is played. Then children are asked a few multiple choice questions. If the child answers wrong, no big deal. The software provides gentle help and gives a "reward" when the question is answered correctly. The segments are short. And after each session children get to play a quick game.
Want to reinforce proper behavior while riding in the car? No problem, there are video scenarios for that followed by a question/answer session. What if you're planning to go to a movie? Or want to show your child the correct way to wait in the pediatrician's waiting room? Simply click on the appropriate topic. Your child can see positive (as well as negative) behavior demonstrated.
My son has ADHD and has a difficult time controlling his impulses. He also has a difficult time controlling his emotions if he feels hurt by a friend. We sat down together to watch the scenarios and work through the answers. He enjoyed watching the situations where the kids would act out and was quick to point out what about the behavior was wrong and why. He seemed to take great pride in the fact that he knew how to act accordingly. He was also able to tell me what the proper behavior was in the situation.
One of the biggest battles is that some kids don't know how to act appropriately. But then again, some (like Seth) do but at times get so excited that this knowledge seems to fly out the window. We have gone through several of the situations a few times, hoping that a reminder will help. (He's not a bad kid. Just has lots of energy and doesn't always know how to constructively channel it. But then again, that's what we parent are for, yes?)
I highly recommend. Actually, I think even regular kids could benefit from this social skills software. It could even be an interesting tool to use in a classroom.
This review was written on behalf of Parent Bloggers Network.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
For A Good Cause...
new partnership with VolunteerMatch to find other opportunities in the area.
RMHC is also spotlighting volunteers and asking people to share their own stories through an online community powered by Facebook Connect. For more information on the campaign, including the daily tips on how to help or to share a personal story, visit
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Action and Veggie Adventure All In One Site!

They've created a website, Love Your Veggies and have included a lighthearted games section. (Personally, my favorite game to play has been to use the garden hose to spray off any unwanted critters who are trying to eat my crop! There's something so rewarding in making a little hungry bug scurry away! Seth's favorite game is driving the tractor to get the veggies in time.)
The site is great way to remind kids that eating veggies is an important part of staying healthy. (Plus, it serves as a reminder to us parents that a great way to get kids to eat veggies is by adding a bit of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing.) The games are geared toward younger kids but really any one of any age can play... The games are quick and easy to play. And any one of any age will enjoy the fun sound effects and graphics! Give it a try today.
This post was written on behalf of
KY's Newest Product - "Intense" (?)

Monday, March 30, 2009
Giveaway Monday - Ecostore's Plant-based Products

Ecostore's gone back to basics, which means getting back to nature and using only plant-based ingredients. In other words, no toxic petrochemicals, lauryl or laureth sulphates, propylene glycol, dyes, parabens, or cocamide DEA.
Recently, I was lucky enough to try the baby body wash and baby shampoo. I had my little man also try it for good measure.
What did he think? Well, I have to admit something first. Being that Seth is a manly-man kinda boy and can read pretty well, I had to take off each bottle's front lable. I knew that if he saw the photo of the baby on the label, followed by the words, "Baby Shampoo", or the little girl and baby and the phrase "Baby Body Wash" he'd be forever prejudiced.
He tried both in the shower a few weeks ago. He, like his mama, is very particular about scents. He loved the scents of both. Both products quickly lather. Both quickly rinse away. This is a good thing. There's nothing worse to a little boy than his mom saying, "Dude, there's still bubbles in your hair. Get back in the shower and stand under the water some more." We didn't haven't that problem with either product.
Some products do dry out his skin, so we do have to watch, at times, what he uses. But he definitely didn't end up with dry itchy skin after using Ecostore products.
As for me, I also loved the scents. Since my skin is very prone to breakouts, I have to watch what products I use. (Because with certain shampoos, I'll notice my neck starts to breakout. Bah!) But I had no problems with either products. Both rinse clean and leave a subtle scent.
In the end "the boy" ended up claiming both products as "his" and put them in his bathroom. That's quite a testimony as to what he thinks. Being that he hates to bathe, I'll take any help I can get!
The company is giving away a $25 EcoStore gift certificate to one lucky MotherofBun reader. I'll also be giving a way a "refreshing Vanilla bath soap" made by the company to a second place winner. Just leave a comment here or on the other blog. You must live in the US and be at least 18 to enter. The drawing closes on April 30th, 2009. Winners will be notified via email. Good luck!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Mighty B is Mighty Entertaining

Monday, March 23, 2009
Make 'Em Laugh (An Entertaining Documentary)

If you like your tv time to be a bit more productive, I highly recommend, "Make 'Em Laugh: The Funny Business of America." The three DVD collection is a documentary that discusses the funniest moments in American entertainment. Hey, American History that could be alot of fun to discuss at the water cooler or at a happy hour!
Make 'Em Laugh is hosted by Billy Crystal and narrated by Amy Sedaris. The six-hour series contains snippets of performances, biographical information, and more to demonstrate how much our politics and society plays America's comedy evolution. From slapstick and satire to sitcoms, the show explores all kind of different comedy genres.
The series compiles the best of the best humor (the snappiest wisecracks, and the mst incisive, biting satirical jokes) that's come out of American culture. And the best of America's best talent is featured too -- like Charlie Chaplin, Lucille Ball, Woody Allen, Joan Rivers, and Jon Stewart. (Seriously? The list goes on and on!)
There's also extra feature interviews with comedians discussing comedy. (This aspect was my favorite part!). Roseanne Barr talks about the different between being on sitcoms versus doing stand-up. James L. Brooks talks about “The Simpsons”. Carol Burnett talks about Lucille Ball. Joan Rivers talks about the talent of Bill Cosby.
Don't let the fact that its six hour length deter you from watching. The episodes are an hour long so you can watch over several days or weeks. The dvd package costs about $25 and would be a great gift for a film student or even those wanting to get into the realm of comedy. (It would be nice to show this to my son, an aspiring comedian who thinks there's nothing more to comedy than fart jokes.) Or even if you're just someone who loves to learn, (like me) you'll find yourself tuned in.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Its "The Big One" For SpongeBob!

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Big bedtime excuses from little minds
Seth seems to think sleep is for the weak. And over the years, he's added all sort of tricks to his bag. What are they? I will list...
1.) "I have to poop." (Amazing how his bowels work.)
2.) "But I'm SURE I'm going to have a bad dream."
3.) "But I'm so thirsty (or SO hungry.)
3.) "But I can't sleep alone. The mosters will get me."
4.) "But I'm scared of the dark."
5.) "But I'm scared of the noises." (Usually there aren't any.)
6.) "But I'm... LONELY!" (Pack your bags, we're going on a guilt trip!)
These are a few that come to mind right now. So I'm really excited to see the reviews for a product that can be found at via Sounds like the SYLVANIA PalPODzzz portable nightlights might be able to nip that issue in the bud.
This post was written on behalf of Parentbloggers and this weekend's blog blast!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Crest Advanced Seal Whitening Strips Deliver
I typically buy one or two boxes of the Premium strips a year. I like my teeth white. And over the years, have gotten alot of compliments on my teeth. I'd like to keep that going. The early whitening strips were ones you left on your teeth for 30 minutes, twice a day. They slipped around alot. (Even when talking.) You couldn't drink anything while they were in your mouth and you'd end up tasting the whitening gunk they use. But over time, Crest has introduced some newer products to the line, like "Advanced Seal" that are greatly improved.
Advanced Seal offers a form fit, no slip, and clean removal. This is a good thing. I like that the strips are on one sheet. They stick to teeth very well. Once applied, they won't slip. If you've ever sneezed with a whitening strip in your mouth, you know how important and appreciated this aspect is. Plus, when you take them off, most of the whitening gunk comes off your teeth as well. Not all of the gunk comes off of your teeth but most of it.
Overall, the strips do deliver on their promise. And you do begin to see results within a few applications. Plus, unlike some whitening systems, it is safe for enamel AND its an affordable way to whiten teeth.
The strips can be found at many a store where personal products are sold.
Lubriderm - Intensive Repair For Dry Skin
I had alot of that this past winter. So when the pr peeps for Lubriderm offered to send some lotion my way, I was more than happy to review. The product sent? Lubriderm Intense Skin Body Repair lotion
The Lubriderm brand has been around for about 50 years. And the products can be found across the nation in discount stores like Target, Wal-Mart and even smaller drug stores. I confess, its been years since I've bought Lubriderm lotion. With all of the lotions and potions that come my way via review, I don't have to buy too many personal care items anymore.
The lotion's premise is that it helps dry skin heal itself. This formula, contains some sort of HydraRelease™ technology. So did the lotion do what it said it would? Did it "provide 24 hours of continuous moisture and strengthens skin's moisture barrier for softer, smoother, healthier skin."?
Within one application, my skin felt far better than it had in awhile. After two more applications, I didn't have to use it each day. Now I'm only using it here and there. My skin feels far softer and looks much healthier. Plus, it doesn't have an overly greasy feeling. It rubs on easy, absorbs fast and doesn't have an overpowering scent.
Overall, I highly recommend. I'd forgotten how great this product is. And I'm very happy I rediscovered it this past winter.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Teens Get (Discover) "Current" With Money Management
Current by Discover can help parents. Basically? Its a (cool looking) debit card for teens. Plus, you (and they) can set spending limits, track and manage spending through email, text messages and online statements. If you've got teens with jobs, they can also load their paychecks onto the card through direct deposit.
The card also comes with advanced security features like $0 fraud liability. Lost or stolen cards can be temporarily suspended or deactivated, and card members can get an emergency replacement card.
The company also sponsors a financial literacy program across high schools nationwide through its Money Smarts Program. I don't know about you but I think alot of high school juniors and seniors could benefit from a little basic money management course. And just before they fly the nest and start their college years.
For more information on the program, click HERE.
This post was written on behalf of MomCentral.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Giveaway Monday - Books and toys!
Giveaway # 1
Eric Ruhalter saw that when it comes to parenthood, and describing certain experiences, words within the English language can only get us so far. That's why he wrote, “The KidDictionary: A Book of Words Parents Need But Don’t Have.”
The book is a funny read. (Here's a Youtube video of it.) And you'll probably be able to relate to quite a few of his stories and words. This week he's giving away a copy of his book to one MotherOfBun reader.
Giveaway #2

For either giveaway, please leave a comment. If you want to participate in the LeapFrog giveaway, also let us know how much time you're pledging in the LeapFrog 1 Million Reading Hours Campaign. Both drawings will close at the end of the month. Anyone 18 and older can enter. As always, to increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit MotherOfBun and leave a comment to increase your odds. Must be a United States citizen. Good luck!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Prevent The Flu - Don't Miss Out On The Fun Stuff!
That's the thing... Teens are active, social, beings. They want to be out and about. See and be seen. So that's why former American Idol finalist Brooke White teamed up with infectious disease specialist and author of Germ Proof Your Kids, Dr. Harley Rotbart, and The Clorox Company. The purpose? To launch I Don't Want to Miss..., a flu education and prevention program.
Maybe you didn't realize this, but the CDC has recommended that even teens get the flu vaccination each year. And getting the word out about such things is the program's goal. In fact, there's a contest teens can enter. Just submit a 45-60 second video entry to the brightly colored website. Let them know what sorts of activities they don't want to miss out on why they need to take precautions (like handwashing) during flu season.
One lucky teen will win an acoustic concert from former American Idol finalist Brooke White at his/her school! A second place winner gets a guitar autographed by Brooke White herself! But hurry! Entries due on March 11! Winners announced next month.
Or just check out the site for more details on the contest. Or even tune in to find tips on staying healthy this time of year.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Giveaway Monday (No go)
Tune in next week.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Empowerment is a mere click away
The recent activities surrounding Chris Brown and Rihanna are unfortunate but they do shine a spotlight on domestic violence and provide an opportunity to increase awareness about the issue and resources available to help those in need. The Allstate Foundation’s Web site,, is a great resource for victims and survivors of domestic violence. On Wednesday, February 11, it launched a complete redesign of the site. This site is for “Real People with Real Stories.” We want to hear from you and what you have to say.
As part of the redesign, you will see more information and tools on the site such as how to:
· Find Resources – Navigate through the site to get information on domestic violence, how The Allstate Foundation helps to financially empower women and where to get help.
· Start a Conversation – Have something to say? Want to share a story with the community? Now, you can sign up for an account and start the dialogue with other members through the Click To Empower forum.
· Spread the Word – Upload buttons and banners to your personal profile pages or forward a message to a family/friend to show your support to end domestic violence.
· Engage with Social Networking Tools – Add Click To Empower to your Facebook or MySpace page. You can also view a series of YouTube survivor stories. The stories are told by the very women who survived abusive relationships and showcase The Allstate Foundation’s support of economic empowerment.
I hope you will check out ClickToEmpower and find it a useful resource.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Teeccino is Tee-rific

Monday, February 23, 2009
Giveaway Monday!

The second prize is the Little Einstein’s dvd, “Race for Space!” (”Adventure full steam ahead!”) The images are vibrant, the characters fun and there’s lots of kicky songs that will have your preschooler dancing.
Remember that RoC giveaway. I admit I still haven’t drawn a winner. I’ve been working all weekend on writing pieces for other sites. I’m thinking I’ll keep it open until Wednesday. (People who’ve already left a comment last week are def still in the running!) Four winners will receive two of RoC’s amazing anti-aging products.
To enter these contests leave a comment on this post and let me know what product you’re interested in (or all). You can always go to MotherOfBun to increase your odds o’ winning. Also, the first two giveaways? Are for US residents only. And you must be at least 18 to enter. Good luck!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Dream Big, DreamBox Learning

DreamBox Learning is a website filled with lots of interactive games -- all in the name of strengthening kids' math skills. The curriculum was designed for kids at a math level of kindergarten to second grade and "adheres to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards," claims their site.
When I explained the concept to my son, he was very excited. He's six years old. It was a big thrill to see his name on the screen. And he took a full 10 minutes to choose his password and avatar. (Oh the choices!)
The games are part of a number of adventures. And if you get tired of pirates, you can always go to the pets or another section. Seth especially liked the dinosaur section. That's where he spent most of his time. And he liked that every time he answered a question right, a funny sound effect and graphic would appear. Seth really enjoyed earning coins after successfully completing a mission. I explained that he could then use them on certain carnival games. But he kept wanting to save them.
The voice on the website was clear and easy to understand. (The DreamBox Learning characters are very cute and fun by the way.) The directions were also given in a concise way. My son, who has a problem following directions sometimes, had no problems following directions when he worked on the site.
From what I read of other Parent Blogger Network Reviews, quite a few people were able to let their kids play independently. Seth is a kid that finds it very difficult to sit still. He demands ALOT of attention and interaction from those around him. Suffice to say, Seth wasn't one of those kids who played DreamBox by himself. But that's definitely no fault of DreamBox. In fact, Seth and I enjoyed snuggling up while he played the game. It was a nice way to calm down from the day.
Also, other reviewers received an email after sessions. The email would let them know what concepts their child had mastered. Oddly enough, I didn't get these emails. I did get the "I miss you" emails though. (Dude. If its a great day? His little butt is outside.) But I was able to log into the Parent Dashboard and see his progress and find out how much time we'd spent on the site.
I was surprised by the vivid graphics and how responsive the learning system is. I am impressed by how the program adjusts the degree of difficulty for the child based on his or her ongoing performance. It not just reinforced what Seth already knows but it was set up in a way to give him a gentle nudge toward learning new things.
All in all, I found it to be a solid, clever site. Subscription plans for the site start at $8.33 a month. If you want to explore it before you buy, you can get a free two-week trial.
Evaluating Johnson & Johnson's newest products
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Life is alot like a circus...
This year, they have got even more amazing shows planned. And since this is a family event, they're offering a very family friendly ticket price -- four tickets for $44. They've also got a program I wrote about last year called Baby’s First Circus.
To take advantage of the first offer, enter the code "MOM" at select ticketing channels (like must purchase at least four tickets. Additional tickets are $11 each. Check the site for restrictions.
Here's a list of where they plan to be:
* Newark/East Rutherford/Uniondale/NYC Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey presents "ZING ZANG ZOOM" on March 5 - April 13 (Though the offer is not valid on performances from April 10 - 13 at Madison Square Garden)
*Washington D.C./ Fairfax, VA/ Baltimore, MD Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey will present a different performance called "Over The Top" March 18-April 19
* Philadelphia (ZING ZANG ZOOM) May 13-May 25
* Phoenix (ZING ZANG ZOOM) June 24-June 28
* Houston (Over The Top) July 15-July 26
* Anaheim/LA/Ontario (ZING ZANG ZOOM) July 8-August 2
* San Francisco (ZING ZANG ZOOM) August 12-August 23
* Dallas/Ft. Worth (Over The Top) July 29-August 16
* Sacramento (ZING ZANG ZOOM) August 27-August 30
* Kansas City (Over The Top) September 16-September 20.
As for Baby's First Circus (if you are interested here's the post from last year.)? The program was created with U.S. parents and babies (12 months old and younger) in mind. If you go to the Ringling Bros site, you can sign up to receive a voucher for a free ticket to any Ringling Bros. performance, (valid for any date, any place) as well as a personalized certificate for baby.
How cool is that? All of the new sights, sounds, smells and sensations? Talk about serious baby brain food!
From what I hear, people are raving about the shows. So check it out for yourself.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Giveaway Monday - Four Chances To Win!

Four winners will be chosen to receive the combo. (Hey, that’s a value of $40! More with tax.) Anyone 18 and older can enter. Simply post a comment with your email addy to this site by Saturday, February 21. Feel free to increase your chances of winning by leaving a comment on Midwestern Mommy as well.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Send A Friend A Virtual Sweet This Year!
Sarah, my neighbor and a dear friend also was diagnosed with ovarian cancer many years ago. Luckily she caught it early. And she went on to have more children. And this week? She's enjoying some sun and fun in Vegas.
Two different outcomes. One disease. But this Valentine's Day you can help further the research of Ovarian Cancer. And its pretty easy and sweet! Give a friend a sweet that won't settle directly on the hips or bum! (Trust me, she'll thank you when she's trying on that new swim suit this season.)
Go to the Electrolux Web site, and create a unique virtual cupcake. Then, send it to loved ones this month. Let Electrolux know and they will donate $1 to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund (OCRF) for every cupcake sent!
Plus, your goodwill could win you a front-loading washer and dryer from Electrolux! How cool is that? Go give the site a gander!
Mel B "Totally" Kicked My Butt!

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Snugglefests and "Seth Sandwiches"
The hubby and I have always been pretty affectionate with each other. So when our Abbeydog came into the picture, we'd often spend weekend mornings "loving on Abbeydog." This meant letting her lay in bed with us, preferably (for her) between Marc and me for maximum attention.
When Seth came along, he stole the spot between hubs and me. But by this point, Abbey preferred the foot of the bed anyway. So the weekend family snuggle-fests have continued.
The other maneuver started when Seth was an itty bitty baby. Marc would often hug me while I had Seth in my arms. We called this a "Seth sandwich". Often Abbey would let out a "what about me" bark, walk up to us and nose in between our legs. The "Seth sandwich" was amended to "A Seth sandwich with a little Abbeydog on the side."
How does your family show your love? Parent Bloggers Network wants to know. They've teamed up with Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education. The foundation is hosting a Selfless Love contest. PBN wants to hear about how you and your family show your love toward each other. You have until tonight Sunday, February 8 to post and include links to: as well as Go to their site and read a few of the entries. You may find some great ideas or get a giggle. Don't forget to email to let them know you've participated.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Social Media Tips From NSTeens

Much the info is very basic (Don't use your real name or address. Be careful about the photos and stories you post online.) but that's exactly what alot of kids need to know. The basics. Just those few tips can go a long way. The site contains videos, comics, interviews with other kids and a design and layout that's very user friendly.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Monday Giveaway with J&J
Need to stock up on some baby supplies? Or know someone who does? Johnson & Johnson is giving away a gift basket of goodies to one lucky Midwestern Mommy reader. Simply leave a comment on this post. As always, the contest is open to people 18 years and older. Contest ends the evening of February 7. Feel free to pop over to Midwestern Mommy in order to increase your chance of winning.
Green is good (Green Works wipes? Even better!)

A trusty little package from Clorox couldn't have come at a better time. Recently we had some company over. The arrangements were made at the very last minute. The house was a wreck. And when I started thinking about clean up duty? I remembered this marvelous little package of Green Works wipes I'd gotten the day before.
Personally, I use alot of wipe products because they are quick and easy. And since Green Works products started appearing on Target stores, I've been buying more and more of the product lines. So I was happy to try Green Works wipes. Like wipes from some other brands, these are great to clean surfaces like door knobs, light switches, faucets, sinks, and toilet seats.
The Green Works wipes can be used on surfaces you wouldn't traditionally think about as well. Like your leather couch. (You know, when you find your child didn't listen to the "no food in the living room" rule, snuck off to watch tv and accidentally spilled yogurt all over the leather couch.) Or wooden banisters or to even spot clean hardwood floors. There's no bleach so there's no stripping of the material or wood.
Oh, and there's no residue left behind either! So if you want to clean your faucets or remote control? You won't have that dry, icky feeling on your fingertips.
While the wipes don't disinfect, I love that they are biodegradable and free of petrochemicals. Plus they aren't tested on animals.
Green Works products can be found at most stores that sell cleaning supplies. (Like my ole fave, Target.)