I didn't really want to go ever again. But the hubby, who LOVES to ski, talked me into trying it again. This time we went to Park City Utah. I still have a t-shirt from that trip that says "The Best Snow on Earth." The skiing was pretty great. So, yes I think they have a right to brag.
We'd decided on the Park City trip as we watched kindergartners zigged and zagged effortlessly down the mountain, that we'd take our kids skiing someday. We wanted to get our kids started early so they'd feel comfortable on the skis and slopes. We planned to go every year. But then we had a child. Reality (and the cost of raising a child) slapped us upside the head. We decided we'd try to go every other year.
So while we've taken our son skiing to other places, it just hasn't been the same as our Park City experience. We were planning a trip this year to Park City but then I found out I was pregnant. (And skiing at least for me, is prohibited.) So we eagerly await next year's trip.
If you or the kids are new to skiing? There are some wonderful, patient (and HOT) ski instructors. The are even kiddie ski schools that will keep the kids busy with lessons while you tackle some blacks. (Or greens in my case.) And there are many a fabulous restaurant. This is good because after a great day of skiing? You tend to come off the mountain HUNGRY.
If you or the kids are new to skiing? There are some wonderful, patient (and HOT) ski instructors. The are even kiddie ski schools that will keep the kids busy with lessons while you tackle some blacks. (Or greens in my case.) And there are many a fabulous restaurant. This is good because after a great day of skiing? You tend to come off the mountain HUNGRY.
If you are are looking to plan a Park City vacation (or want to just dream about one for now) visit this cool adventure blog written by women who have a passion for Park City. You can get lots of info on lessons for you and the kids, other activities, (there's tons to do) resort services, snow reports and tips for making the most out of your trip.
This post was written on behalf of MomCentral.com.