Saturday, March 7, 2009

Prevent The Flu - Don't Miss Out On The Fun Stuff!

I never thought, as an adult, that my social life would revolve around the social lives of our teen babysitters. Typically, we have three teens who we call on to watch Seth when we go out. And trust me, its not uncommon for us to stay home because all three had plans.

That's the thing... Teens are active, social, beings. They want to be out and about. See and be seen. So that's why former American Idol finalist Brooke White teamed up with infectious disease specialist and author of Germ Proof Your Kids, Dr. Harley Rotbart, and The Clorox Company. The purpose? To launch I Don't Want to Miss..., a flu education and prevention program.

Maybe you didn't realize this, but the CDC has recommended that even teens get the flu vaccination each year. And getting the word out about such things is the program's goal. In fact, there's a contest teens can enter. Just submit a 45-60 second video entry to the brightly colored website. Let them know what sorts of activities they don't want to miss out on why they need to take precautions (like handwashing) during flu season.

One lucky teen will win an acoustic concert from former American Idol finalist Brooke White at his/her school! A second place winner gets a guitar autographed by Brooke White herself! But hurry! Entries due on March 11! Winners announced next month.

Or just check out the site for more details on the contest. Or even tune in to find tips on staying healthy this time of year.

This post was written on behalf of MomCentral.

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