Sunday, January 25, 2009

Giveaway Monday - Planetjill necklace!

Planetjill is offering YOU $10.00 off your purchase. Just enter "mommyblog" when you check out of the site.

Earlier this month, I waxed poetic about how much I love, love, LOVE my Planetjill necklace. Seriously, I wanted to shout that out from the roof top. But being it was cold outside and I'm lazy, I took to my computer instead.

Many people expressed an interested in Planetjill jewelery and well... You've spoken. And Planetjill founder Jill Schiff has heard you!

This week she's giving you a chance to win a Planetjill necklace. This one in fact. How SERIOUSLY AWESOME is that?

A bit about this necklace? Sterling silver charm and chain. The square-frame is about dime-sized. The chain is very durable and can withstand a grabby toddler. You chose your favorite photo to be placed inside. Planetjill will take care of the rest. There is a slight weight to the pieces. This is good because your charm will stay in place. Oh and if you've got more than one child (or grandchild or niece or nephew or cherished pet) you'd love to show off? You can always add more charms! Plus the charms are very well sealed. So if you jump in the shower and forget you're wearing your necklace? No worries.

Planetjill has a host a great gift ideas for Valentine's Day for men and women. (Not just photo charms but monogrammed charms and if you check out the "new collection" you'll see ALOT of really great pieces there too.)

Once you see a Planetjill piece you'll become a big fan. But don't just take my word for it. Julia Roberts, Maria Shriver, Oprah Winfrey, Katie Couric, Reese Witherspoon, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, Cher, Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu, Mariska Hargitay and Joely Fisher are also huge fans too!

TO ENTER: Leave a comment here or at Midwestern Mommy (Or leave a comment in both places to increase your chance of winning.) Anyone 18 years old age and older can enter. Winner will be drawn Feb. 1 and notified via email.

This week Bloggy Giveaways is hosting a Blog Carnival. Go to their site for a gigantic list of cool stuff other bloggers are also giving away.


Megan said...

thought i'd increase the chances and comment here too - :) i just checked out the planetjill website...VERY cute! What a great idea for gifts - my sister is getting married in June and this would be a great gift for her as a little keepsake! Thanks for sharing the site!

Katie said...

Increasing chances!

Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

That is one mighty fine piece of jewelry. Excuse me while I head over the other site to increase my chances. :-)

Anonymous said...

Great necklace!

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Add my name too please

Amy said...

Ack, I love this! I have two, so I would also buy the second charm. TOO cute.

Katie said...

Increasing my chances too. Love this necklace.

connicke said...

Oh I love love love such pretty things!

Amy T said...

I want this! Thank you for doing this giveaway!

Christina_the_wench said...

PIck me! Pick me!

Tuesday Girl said...

I tis such a pretty, simple necklace!

judybrittle said...

I want another chance at this pretty necklace.

Isabel said...

I am so in love with pendants right now...and one that had a pic of my kid would be even better.

Raising Z and Lil C said...

I am leaving a comment here too :) I want this necklace!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you cross-linked -- I somehow didn't know this site existed!

Heather said...

Just HAD to enter again. Very cute! Have a good one Lady!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness what a wonderful necklace! My little boy would look perfect in it :-)

samanthajocampen at gmail dot com

oonagh said...

very pretty.......

Unknown said...

So cute!!!
Please sign me up!

Unknown said...

It's a beautiful necklace.

Jeff and Mandee said...

Very pretty, would be a great piece of jewelry to own :)


Michaelle said...

Ohhhh please let me win something this week!!!

By the way, I love your background. I came "thisclose" to using it on my blog. I love the black dots on the side, don't you?

Candyce said...

Thank you so much for this giveaway. I would love to use a photo of my 7mo daughter. Thank you again!

ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com

Unknown said...

Please count me in. The necklace is so sweet!

Linda said...

Count me in too! Thanks!
cokelush at gmail

miller lawn service said...

I Love it! Count me in!

rubynreba said...

Enter me - my daughter's name is Jill and I win in the midwest so I know I will win.

Abby said...

I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance!

Kimberly said...

Stunning, thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Chabce #2 on blog #2!

monicawalk AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I'm leaving a second comment here to double my odds!

Simply Stacie said...

Awesome giveaway thanks!

Elisa Morrison said...

I like this a lot... it's definitely something I would wear. :)

Anonymous said...

The two-piece locket necklace with engraved initial coin and circle photo charm like Jen Garner's looks so nice!

hil said...

Thanks again!

Momnerd said...

I really love this necklace so I"m entering over here too! Thanks!

abi said...

Leaving comment here too! Love planetjill and would love to win this one. Thanks for the chance!

M said...

Grandchild number is coming. Would love this!


Jingle said...

This is so pretty! I think it would make a beautiful gift!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love this necklace and think it is the perfect way to show off my little one.

Ginny said...

I love this necklace!

Katie said...

What a pretty necklace. Thanks for the chance.

katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

Anonymous said...

How addicting is the Bloggy Giveaways thing?
thank you, this would be a great gift for my mom.
ashlomb at yahoo dot com

kalea_kane said...

I think this jewelrey is beautiful, and I have now found a new place for some great gifts! Thanks for the giveaway!


Kelly :)

autumn said...

way cute necklace with a picture of a way cute baby to boot? yes please!

Anonymous said...

I'm all about improving my chances!

Annmarie Weeks said...

This is beautiful! And I would love to win it for my SIL, who is expecting her 1st child next month!

ChefSara said...

love it! what are the chances i can wear it without my son yanking on it constasnttly?

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