Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Before you schedule that gyno procedure? Read this first!

I don't know about you but for me? Its always scary finding out that the only recourse to a medical issue is to have surgery. Many a thought bombards me. Like will this truly be the answer? How much pain will I be in afterward? How long before I feel like my normal self?

Fortunately there may be more than one option for many a woman with gynecological problems facing surgery. (Its always good to have options, yes?) So if you learn you're going to need major surgery in order to fix a problem "down under"? Check THIS site before you set up the particulars. (The site includes a glossary of terms, physician finder and patient education topics.)

According to the site, which is created by the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists, the benefits of minimally invasive procedures "include reduced risk of infection, minimized scarring, less blood loss, decreased post-operative pain, and generally quicker recovery time."

So its not surprising that these surgical procedures (especially for gynecological issues) are becoming more and more popular. For instance, did you know a diagnostic tool that uses a miniature telescopic device is used internally to detect issues and inspect internal organs. And? Not only can doctors seek out issues, they can often fix the issues at the same time.

Go to the AAGL's site to learn about your options. As the association says, "Gynecologic care is progressing quickly and it is our goal to keep you informed so you can seek the best care possible."
This post was written on behalf of MomCentral.

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