Sunday, October 19, 2008

Boots and bowling pins

Let's talk "man caves" shall we?

While we don't have a mancave at our house, we do have some manly-man items that, if there did exist such a room, would definitely be on prominent display.

Take for instance a beer glass boot. No man cave should be without one! Because beer? Is manly.

And while we're talking beer, most man caves I've seen are usually decorated with at least one beer sign. We have a few Guinness signs. They'd definitely adorn a wall.

And while we're on the kitchy sort of stuff, he'd also probably have a small bar in the corner. On top of the bar would sit a random bowling pin he got from the company he used to work at years ago. I can't remember exactly why he got it. And I have no clue why he kept it, but I would be there.

Oh and Mizzou stuff. There would be PLENTY of Mizzou stuff.
I sort of feel guilty that hubby doesn't have a man cave. He needs one! And at some point, we are planning to convert a section of our basement into a mancave. And then all of those tacky, weird things (like the drinking glass shaped like a penis that I've hidden away so well, even I can't find it anymore. Opps!) the man has collected over the years can "breathe."

Do you have a man cave? If so, what kind of "hidden goodies" lurk inside? Parent Bloggers Network wants to know! Write a post (don't forget the photos) about what kinds of objects are tucked away. (You still have time to post tonight yet this weekend) Also add links to[PBN] and Then send your blog post link to They'll link to your blog and enter you in the drawing for five $100 shopping sprees for use within the Bill Me Later merchant network. That's pretty cool, yes?

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