Sunday, October 26, 2008

Abbey the part labby gets adopted

Once upon a time, (back in January of 1991) a sweet little black and white pointer/lab mix pup was born. Unfortunately, she, her two sisters and mother were abandoned, left to roam their neighborhood with barely anything to eat.

By the time Impact for Animals in St. Louis found them, the precious pooches had worms and other health issues. But the loving people at Impact nursed the puppies and mother back to health. And soon, Abbey found herself being driven to an unfamiliar place called PetSmart. There she and her family sat and watched the people walk by. So many strange smells! All of this excitement made the puppies tired. So the young pretty pup drifted off to sleep with her sisters.

As she dreamed of chasing rabbits, a young blond woman gently picked her up and started to cuddle her. Then the woman handed her to the young man standing beside her. The young pup must have thought the man cute. She gave him a great big lick. He melted.

A few days later, the little pup learned she was getting adopted. She had a "forever" home now. She was a bit scared those first few days but soon got very used to sleeping on the bed with her parents, going for long walks, and riding in the convertible. She liked driving in the car best when there was a trip to McDonald's involved. Her name is Abbey. And I can't imagine life without her.
Now, almost 11 years later, Abbey dog still loves car rides, McDonald's, long walks and sleeping in bed with her family. She also enjoys chasing squirrels and rabbits out of the back yard and scaring the crap out of delivery/mail people with her ferocious-sounding bark.
After three years of being the only baby, Abbey became a big sister too. Some days she loves her hairless brother. Other days, she wishes she could send him back to where he was originally. But all in all, Abbeydog is surrounded by love.

(But if you're not yet ready for a real, live pooch, check out Burger King's iDogs. Kids get them as part of the Club BK toys.)

Parent Bloggers wants to hear all about your pets. So post sometime this weekend (Oct. 24-26) write about your pets. Include links to and The following blurb should also be included: “This post was written for Parent Bloggers Network as part of a sweepstakes sponsored by Burger King Corp.”
Then send your post link to

Oh and by the way?

“This post was written for Parent Bloggers Network as part of a sweepstakes sponsored by Burger King Corp.”