My son, who will be six years old in three months, has always been a Bob the Builder fan. I've always loved Bob's "YES WE CAN" attitude. So when given an opportunity to a review this dvd, I jumped at the chance. Seth and I did what we love to do when we review movies together. We plugged it into the dvd player in the master bedroom, snuggled up and started watching.
Seth enjoyed the series of six episodes. (One of the things I love about Bob the Builder and Thomas the Tank Engine is the fact that their dvd's typically have several short episodes. And you can always use that as an incentive -- "if you brush your teeth and put on jammies right now, you'll have time to watch two episodes of Bob.")
But the questions I wanted answered was, "How did Bob get a contract like that? What were some of the unique challenges of the project? How did he address those issues? And above all else, did he complete the project on time and under budget?" (I used to do public relations for large, international engineering/architectural/construction management firm. I can't HELP but wonder these things, ok?)
The old gang and even some newer characters have been added (at least since we were watching on a regular basis years ago). And there's even a few entertaining episodes where a director visits the crew. (Don't worry, Bob and his gang don't become "Hollywood sell-outs".)
All in all, a pretty cute dvd for little Bob the Builder fans. Easter is coming up. If you, a grandparent or aunt/uncle are in the market for a sugar-free gift, this would make a great one -- appealing kids of varying ages -- from toddlers to early elementary students.
Oh and also? Seth also became very interested in the Fireman Sam episodes. (They are included in the Special Features.) I thought they were weird but Seth loved them!
This review was written on behalf of the Parent Bloggers Network.
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