Sunday, March 16, 2008

Adventure, animals and the alphabet!

Barney has had a very busy year. Not only was a 20th anniversary dvd recently launched but another project -- Animal ABC's -- is also now on store shelves.

In this most recent dvd, Barney and the group endeavor to find animals that start with every letter of the alphabet. From "A is for ant" to "Z is for zebra", Barney and the gang sing as well as dance their way through the alphabet.

Barney's biggest little fans will get a chance to watch footage of each animal featured as well as learn tidbits about the various animals.

As usual there's lots of upbeat, cheery music incorporated throughout. Most little ears will recognize quite a few of the songs, as many are taken from typical episodes. (There are also quite a few popular childhood songs thrown in the mix as well.) But don't worry, Barney's also brings some new singing material to the scene. And odds are good little Barney fanatics will be inspired, at least a few times throughout the video, to dance along. (Elephant dance, anyone?)

Some of the scenes are placed in the familiar park. But the producers have done a good job of incorporating some great scenes in the real outdoors. There's even a dance number where a big group of parents and kids participate.

This is a 56 minute video. So if you loathe Barney, be prepared for some eye rolling. (The "Mary had a little lamb" rap was a bit much for me.)

Seth was not very interested in watching the dvd. But he did enjoy the segment on the letter "D". He loved watching the various dogs in the segment so much, he asked to see it twice. (Oh, and he also liked the X-ray fish. Those were pretty cool.) But in his defense, he's a few months shy of six. Although he loved Barney in his toddler and preschool years, his interest (like most kids his age) has faded quite a bit.

For those people who don't like to give candy for Easter, this dvd would make a great gift alternative. And I could see this being a sanity saver on those long car rides or flights -- Just don't forget the portable dvd player! And if you aren't a big Barney fan? This would still make a great gift to give the little ones -- it could be added to a grandparent's, or another caretaker's (child) entertainment collection.

The review was written on behalf of the Parent Bloggers Network.

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