Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Frantic? Mary Jo has got you covered!

Mary Jo Rulnick? I am simply amazed. This book? The Frantic Woman's Guide to Feeding Family and Friends? Wow.

But I guess I should elaborate, yes? The Frantic Woman's Guide to Feeding Family and Friends is chock full of recipes, tips, tricks and lists. In short? If you're someone who loves with food, (like me!) this is a great book for you.

But it is not just about food. She's even got quick tips on making clean up easier and more efficient as well as party preparation ideas, yummy cocktail recipes and even fun activities for family nights.

Whether you are looking for a light, tasty dish for a summer meal or a some hearty, "comfort foods" for winter -- Mary Jo's got ideas. Plenty of ideas. That's why I kept saying "Wow" as I was reading this book. There's alot of great information and ideas crammed inside these pages! (In my brain, she is now dubbed "The idea lady until the end of time!")

You can find The Frantic Woman's Guide to Feeding Family and Friends on Amazon for about $10. How about if I save you a step, click HERE to order.

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