Monday, November 26, 2007

Spark turns the ordinary into the extraordinary for kids

Up until a few weeks ago, the only type of science my son found remotely interesting was science fiction. (He's a rabid Star Wars fan.)

But all that changed once the boy got his very own Spark Talking Microscope.

The Spark™ mission is to offer captivating science products that inspire kids to explore and make discoveries for themselves. The microscope comes equipped with an array of slides for children to examine -- like fleas, mosquitoes, houseflies, and even spiders. For any kid who's fascinated by bugs? Getting to see them magnified by five times is an irresistible proposition.

The microscope also talks to the child supplying interesting facts and even, at times, some funny sound effects.

There's also cards illustrating how to use the microscope. But honestly? The microscope is so easy to work, the kiddos probably won't need them. Seth was examining slides within minutes. If you are interested in seeing how easy this toy is to operate, click here to watch a quick YouTube video.

And since Spark designs this toy with parent participation in mind, it also includes a full-color parent's "Lab Assistant" guide so your child can get a thrill out of being the "lead researcher."

And while the lens view is very clear, I wish the magnification was a stronger. What I would really have liked is for the magnification to have been powerful enough that you could see the tiny hairs on a fly or slides of bigger germs. Perhaps, if he could see that germs actually exist, he'd take more time to wash his hands?

But all in all, this durable microscope, which sells for $29.95, has earned Seth's seal of approval.

This review was written on behalf of the Parent Bloggers Network. For more reviews on this product and many others, click HERE.