And to cut to the chase? What I'm trying to say is that if you've got dry hands and no Gloves in a Bottle? You won't be loving the way your hands look or feel.
Gloves in a Bottle is a shielding lotion that quickly absorbs into the skin. The lotion then forms a protective barrier that holds moisture in so that skin is able to heal itself naturally. The lotion does eventually come off but only through the natural exfoliation process.
When I had first heard of the concept I assumed the lotion would be thick and greasy. I was hesitant to try it. But the lotion isn't thick nor does it leave hands feeling sticky or slimey. Once the milky product is absorbed, you can't even tell that you've just put on a lotion. Your only "proof" is that hands feel immediately softer.
But the product, which is fragrance-free and hypoallergenic, isn't just for hands. Elbows, knees, feet and any dry, scaly patches quickly benefit from continued use. (For a list of product ingredients click here.)
I've made a practice of using the shielding lotion each night before bed. Alittle bit of product goes a long way. And I'm hopeful that my "supply" will get me half way through winter, aka dry, itchy skin season.
For a complete price list click here.
And if you don't believe me? Well, there are quite a few other bloggers who've reviewed this product... Get their opinions here.
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