And really? Why should the boys get to have all of the fun? Thanks to Andrea Buchanan and Miriam Peskowitz, girls today have their OWN book of ideas and adventures to explore called The Daring Book for Girls.
The Daring Book for Girls is an enchanting read packed to the brim with all sorts of history, adventure ideas, and how-to's. Do you know your spy lingo? Do you know how to make a stink bomb or a lemon-powered clock? How much do you know about women pirates? Well, crack open this book.
The ladies even have a few pages devoted to finance, The Periodic Table of the Elements, how to change a tire, and math tricks.
While reading through the book, I kept thinking about my childhood -- we lived in a rural area where there weren't many kids around and there wasn't much to do. (No cable or gaming system either!) I was what could be considered a "girly tomboy" (the girl climbing the tree and digging in the dirt while wearing pink nail polish and a purple skirt). If this book would have been created long ago, I'm sure I would have fallen in love with it during a summer library visit.
Although there are some "girly" how-to's like "how to put your hair up with a pencil" and "how to make friendship bracelets", the authors recognize that no matter how "girly" the girl is, most do enjoy some activities that have been traditionally tagged as "boy stuff."
Whether you celebrate your girly-ness or let your inner "tom boy" loose, The Daring Book for Girls is bound to keep readers (young or old) busy and enthralled for quite some time.