Upon unveiling The Zula Patrol DVD, Seth's face lit up. He didn't know that The Zula Patrol , is a cartoon broadcasted on PBS that chronicles the adventures of several silly cartoon characters while educating kids along the way. But he didn't have to. To pique his interest, all Seth had to hear was that this was a kids' show about outer space.
At the age of five, Seth is interested in all things science -- especially outer space. He quickly became interested in the energetic characters and storylines. He loved the zany voices too.
A few days after watching the show, Seth had three kids over (at one time! Gah!) The foursome couldn't agree on an activity so I told them they could watch a bit of a movie. They couldn't agree on what movie to watch until Seth suggested The Zula Patrol and started spouting different facts he'd picked up while watching the episodes.
The kids were mesmerized and each one found the stories amusing. Now when any of the three children come over, they ask to watch that dvd.
Overall, I thought the plot lines were simple and moved at a nice clip. I liked how the information was presented in basic terms without sounding too simplistic. But I have to admit, I couldn't help but roll my eyes when it came to the volcano that was scared to erupt for fear of alienating others. But nonetheless my son was fascinated as to what was happening inside the volcano, underneath the earth's surface. And even days later, Seth was still asking alot of questions about the various layers below the earth. The show got him involved and really thinking -- to me that's the most important aspect.
There's also an amazing website chock full of cool stuff for the kiddos to do. So if your local PBS station isn't airing the show, (ours isn't) you can still introduce your child to the Zula group.
This review was written for Parent Bloggers Network.
I read many of the reviews and have been very interesting. That Blogger Network really RULES!!!! I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the reviews because I saw that you really care about what your children watch on TV, some parents (including my parents) don’t care about what their children watch on TV, and think because a show is called “cartoon” or “for kids” is good for them, but sometimes it’s not true, there are many violent, silly or dump cartoons that and stupid, they fill children’s head of stupid ideas. I am so glad to know that you are concerned about what their children watch on TV, and that’s so wonderful, I think many people should learn from alll you!!
ReplyDeleteI found you review specially interesting, and I was gladly suprised to know your son is interested in all things about science, specially outerspace. I found it so touching because he remembered to me, I think he's my mate!!:D cos when I because when I was his age also was so interested in science, especially outer space, while other kids like my friends were talking about video games and toys. Since I was a toddler I loved to be long hours contemplating the stars,when my family and me went camping, to me space was always synonymous of excitement and discovery, it always been mysterious and wonderful!! I always wanted a telescope since I was child, while my other friends wanted a Barbie doll or a kitchen to play. My parents were proud of me because he was always ready with something, they called me "prodigy child" because they believed that it was amazing, and I was investigating just because it was funny for me...but when I went to school, many of my classmates made fun of me and told me nerd. And when I became a teenager with a work and responsibilities that my family and people with I work and live said I had to acquire, astronomy become just a matter in school (as part of the geography, with astronomical sums that later I didn't remembered) that helped me to study and later to "work and earn money" (as they say) and space it's gone slowly turning into a tedious bunch of data with no sense...but when I saw The Zula Patrol everything started to make sense, I found in it that thrilling sense again!!! I saw the show by chance, but in fact when I saw the first chapter, I inmediately realized it was talking about space and it was as if a good friend say me "Hey! What has happened with you man??!!!! You loved science!!, you loved space!!!! I'm so grateful with that series because it made me regain my passion for science and space!! I never found other "space fan", but now I believe your son is my dude, and if you or Seth want to talk with me someday about space, or about Zula patrol! , you can write to karlaonofre@hotmail.com and be glad to respond!!
I'm Atrix, I'm the one who posted that comment some time ago about that your boy is a space fan like me. I posted as "anonymous" because my blogger account didn't worked at that time.
ReplyDeleteI just want to tell you that your amazing review was featured here http://opinionveraz.blogspot.com/2008/12/zula-patrol-los-adultos-opinan.html