Sunday, July 1, 2007

Nozin knows noses...

Colds and flu bring chaos to households. Whether its the kids, spouse or you? Getting sick (or having to take care of someone who is) just plain sucks.

Being that I'm a serious germophobe, this Nozin Nasal Sanitizer? Looked pretty interesting. According to the Nozin website, (in lab tests) NOZIN killed 99.99% of germs that cause the flu (Influenza A), colds (rhino virus type 14) and staph infection (staph aureus). I'm all about trying to prevent colds. And I'd pay large, LARGE amounts of money (as well as walk through hot coals) to prevent any thing vomit-related.

Our little pack of Nozin arrived just in time for our trip to Orlando. I swabbed my son's and my nose just before going to the airport. Did it work? Um... I don't know. Neither one of us got sick non our vacation. So maybe it did? Who knows.

The directions were easy to understand. And I admit I was a bit nervous to stick the swab up my nose. I expected the experience to be uncomfortable -- to feel like my nostrils were on fire. But that wasn't the case at all. And the smell the product emits is like the scent of an orange peel. Its smells citrus-y and light.

My son thought it was funny -- mom sticking something up his nose. And it didn't burn the insides of his tender, little nostrils either. Although he'd much prefer the lingering smell to be one of "bubble gum", "Nerds" or "Laffy Taffy", he didn't complain about the smell.

I like the packaging. The case is small enough to fit into a purse or computer bag. Honestly, the most difficult part of the process was trying to open the itty bitty box with short nails.

I'm saving the rest of my Nozin swabs for cold and flu season. With a little boy who's slated to start kindergarten next month. (Gah! NEXT MONTH?!?) I have a feeling this little product will come in handy. Very, very handy.

This review was written for The Parent Bloggers Network. If you have a product you'd like PBN to review, click on this link for more info.